Internet Development

Our Grandson, Alex
Born September 23rd, 2002

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April 12th - July 4th

A piture with the Lillies
Before the Deer eat them.

Hi, I'm just posing again.

Crawling around with a black eye.

Alex & Sadie sharing a bed.

Grandad, I'm coming to get you wet.

Joe nurses him to sleep, the day of his first tooth 6/20.

This dudes looking cool in his grandads' shades.

He's not only driving us crazy, he's driving the boat.

"Fish on", the grounds so wet we're just fishing in our garden.

Nap time, but I'm not sure for who.

See no hands, I'll be walking soon, then watch out Sadie.

Alex enjoying his big bath.

But he much prefers the sink (courtesy of Grandad, but don't tell anyone)

Sadie giving Joe (Sarah's boyfriend) a big sloppy kiss (just like Sarah Joe told me).

"Aye aye, Captain."

The happy boy smiling again.

4 generations of Kirby's, from their trip in April.

A rare shot of Andrew holding Alex

Alex drinking fizzy water from Grandads' glass, what a face he pulls.
February 17th - March 17th

Dinner time again, no wonder I'm so big

Nap time, I don't know why we got beds, everyone sleeps on the sofa

Okay mom, I'm ready to play in the snow

Gran enjoying a cuddle after clearing the snow
January 5th - February 16th

The happy baby, always smiling.

In his new activity center as he's outgrown his chair.

He loves his bath.

Just like Grandad, enjoying a quick Sunday night snooze.

He loves to be thrown up in the air.

He's so noisy with this, every time you kick it it plays music.

Ah ha, at work on Grandads computer. Not quite as good as Great Gran yet.

Alex feeding the dog, Sadie.

Another picture with Grandad, I know I'll be in trouble with so many.

Lying on the big bed.